Frames for flowers
Dried flowers in a frame are a hit of recent months. You can create art collages, birth posters, as well as graphics with dried flowers. Thanks to the double-glass frame, you can make a personalized gift that has a chance to find a place of honor on the wall (and in the heart) of the recipient.
Frame with dried flowers
Natural flowers preserved in the frame - is it possible? Of course, if you have the right frame :-) When creating artworks in the frame, it is worth using your own instincts and creativity. Perhaps you dream of dried flowers arranged in the shape of a meadow? Or maybe you like an abstract work in the form of a collage of tiny flowers or herbs? Both options sound great. You can collect the flowers yourself and dry them flat in a flower press, or buy a ready-made set of pressed flowers. To make your task easier, stick the flowers on a sheet of paper with silicone glue. Remember not to use too much glue as it can damage the flowers. To make the background an additional decoration, use handmade paper, which looks beautiful with plants. You can complement the flower decoration with paper accessories, e.g. motivating quotes or fragments of photos. This will give the flower frame a unique, personal character. We advise - it is also a great gift idea for a loved one. Perfect for an anniversary, birthday (or birth), wedding or as a decoration for a new home.
Floating frame - how can you use it?
A frame with a double glass is also called a floating frame. You can find a lot of inspiration for their use on the blogs and social profiles of handicrafts. This type of frame has two basic features. First of all, it gives the impression of no background in the frame. Secondly, it allows decorative elements to be placed between two glass panes. In our store you will find frames with double glass in two types. The first (and also the most popular) has glass panes that are placed very close to each other. In this frame we place flat decorations such as pressed flowers, photos, prints, newspaper clippings or other elements to complete the artistic vision. In a double-glass frame, you can make:
- collages of flowers and leaves,
- posters for births, weddings or other important events,
- personalized graphics supplemented with pressed flowers,
- compositions of dried flowers from a wedding bouquet.
The second type of frame resembles a box in which the glass panes are spaced apart. You can also place three-dimensional elements in it, e.g. dried flowers, figurines, personal items. This is a great idea for creating a personalized souvenir. In the "close" frame, you can put small items on a dresser or bedside table to remind you of important moments or memories.